On Academics, Athletics, Art, and Family Responsibilities

Both my parents worked 9am–5pm jobs, so I took on the responsibility of picking up my younger brother from elementary school each day. This duty, though seemingly simple, was seriously hard to implement into my daily schedule as a busy and overwhelmed high school student with dreams of attending a top university. I remember pleading with my parents to find some other solution for picking up my brother but there wasn’t any. Despite this added responsibility, I still managed to thrive as a varsity athlete, be an active leader of my school's art club, and ultimately secure admission to Brown University. 

Sports were an integral part of my life. As a dedicated participant in cross country, swimming, and track each year, I devoted countless hours to training every day and to competing every weekend. Communication played a pivotal role in this balancing act. Keeping my coaches and teammates informed about my responsibilities at home helped in managing expectations and responsibilities effectively. For example, during cross country, I would train on my own at night but would stick to the same daily practice regiment as my teammates. I still managed to be a foundational member of our teams and by senior year I became captain of the varsity team. 

In high school I also developed a passion for the visual arts. Leading the art club was something I cared deeply about; I wanted to foster a community of like-minded creatives. Organizing events, murals, and exhibitions, while also participating in weekly meetings, added a creative outlet to my otherwise academic schedule. I relied on my advisors to help run meetings each week while I balanced my responsibilities at home. 

At the core of my high school experience was academic excellence. Balancing AP coursework, preparing for standardized tests, and maintaining a high GPA was crucial. At the end of each day, after all my team practices or club meetings, I would dedicate the rest of my time to working hard on my studies. Maintaining academic excellence meant making tough choices, sometimes at the expense of leisure or social activities. Art and sports had to take up time I would have spent on video games or watching television. Understanding that I couldn't participate in every event or accept every social invitation was crucial in maintaining this balance.

The key to managing these diverse commitments was an unwavering focus on time management and organization. Every aspect of my day was carefully planned, from school work to sports practice, art club meetings, and family responsibilities. This rigorous scheduling allowed me to allocate time to each activity without compromising on quality or commitment. For all four years of high school and even in college, I kept a large planner with details about every day and deadlines each week. 

No journey is solitary, and mine was no exception. The support from my family, teachers, coaches, and peers was instrumental in my success. They provided encouragement, understanding, and assistance when needed, allowing me to navigate my high school's demanding landscape more effectively. Equally important was my own self-care. Ensuring I had adequate rest every day, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and finding time for relaxation were non-negotiable aspects of my routine. Additionally, getting to spend quality time with my family and my younger brother created a strong support network I rely on to this day. All these aspects worked together and helped me avoid burnout and stay mentally and physically fit all through high school.

In a schedule as packed as mine, unexpected changes were inevitable, such as having to pick up my brother from school. Learning to adapt and being flexible when things didn't go as planned was perhaps one of the most crucial lessons I learned. It taught me resilience and the ability to thrive in the face of changing expectations. As I prepared to embark on my next academic journey at Brown University, I carried with me the profound understanding of what it meant to balance multiple parts of one’s life successfully. For high school students grappling with similar challenges, remember that with the right approach, time-management, and support, balancing a multitude of responsibilities is not just possible but can be a fulfilling and enriching life experience.

  • Mentor Rémy


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